Today is day 15 of taking the Lumiday. I am confident when I say that this will be an everyday routine for me. To take this pill. I didn't really notice a difference in the way I felt at first. That first week I never noticed anything different with my body or the way that I act. The second week was much more noticeable. I could even tell that my husband and son were noticing the way things were much smoother in the way that I act and react to everyday life.
No one can say that they notice how they act and react in life. Most everyone does actions and reactions without much thought. This is why a lot times you get the most outrageous happenings. Some good. Some bad. Lately before taking anything or realizing I had a problem. I would lash out over the smallest of things. For example, the husband not picking up something I asked the day before. I would yell at him and tell him he better do it now. Then it would ruin my mood for the rest of the day. That isn't how it should be.
Now that I am two weeks into taking Lumiday I can say that my brain is not weighed down my the useless worry-some thoughts that are nonsense. It's like a breath of fresh air. Strange but true.
The one side effect that I have noticed is heartburn. Not long after I have taken the pill, I will notice heartburn for about 30 minutes. Other than that, I have no complaints!
*Keep in mind that I am in no way, shape, or form affiliated with GNC or Lumiday. I am not promoting anything. Always consult with your physician before making any changes to taking medications.