Thursday, July 11, 2013


What I'm Doing Now
I know, I know...I've got some catching up to do here. Lumiday has been in my system for a full month and my husband is happier than ever! Not for that reason. It has worked so great. I'm not that ole betchy woman that complains and over reacts to stupid stuff. It may not work for you, but honey, it's working great for me!

Over the 4th of July Holiday we went to Surfside Beach and spent time with my parents and grandparents. It was a nice to relax on the beach and pretend to not have any care in the world other than when to turn over! 

My eating habits still totally suck. I eat whatever whenever and we all know that I am not working out. I'm still stuck in a rut. It's almost like I've dug a whole that I can't climb out of. I try but after just a teeny tiny bit of trying, I give up. That's always what happens. I just can't get my brain to click. Y'all say a prayer that I can get back into some sort of motivation to get this weight off.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day 15

Today is day 15 of taking the Lumiday. I am confident when I say that this will be an everyday routine for me. To take this pill. I didn't really notice a difference in the way I felt at first. That first week I never noticed anything different with my body or the way that I act. The second week was much more noticeable. I could even tell that my husband and son were noticing the way things were much smoother in the way that I act and react to everyday life.

No one can say that they notice how they act and react in life. Most everyone does actions and reactions without much thought. This is why a lot times you get the most outrageous happenings. Some good. Some bad. Lately before taking anything or realizing I had a problem. I would lash out over the smallest of things. For example, the husband not picking up something I asked the day before. I would yell at him and tell him he better do it now. Then it would ruin my mood for the rest of the day. That isn't how it should be.

Now that I am two weeks into taking Lumiday I can say that my brain is not weighed down my the useless worry-some thoughts that are nonsense. It's like a breath of fresh air. Strange but true.

The one side effect that I have noticed is heartburn. Not long after I have taken the pill, I will notice heartburn for about 30 minutes. Other than that, I have no complaints!

*Keep in mind that I am in no way, shape, or form affiliated with GNC or Lumiday. I am not promoting anything. Always consult with your physician before making any changes to taking medications.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Today, I Try Something New

For a while now, I've struggled with anxiety and levels of stress. What do I stress about? Good question! I have no clue! Well I know I worry about the smallest, simplest things in life. Things that shouldn't be a big deal, I tend to make a big deal. I never realized I had a problem until a few years ago. I used to take Lexapro to chill me out. It worked great. Life was much better to deal with. Then my health insurance was gone because the job I was working was going away. So I had to finish what I had left. I was not able to get anymore. I took it for almost two years. Fast forward to today, 4 years later, and I'm still fighting this battle. It will be a life long battle but I really feel like I need something to help me fight the struggle.

Lumiday™ - LUMIDAY - GNC
Information below and image via
"Lumiday is a revolutionary mood enhancement formula that has been scientifically formulated to help promote a positive mood, balanced serotonin levels, control appetite, and may help to reduce stress & anxiety levels. Featuring twelve key ingredients that have been tested for maximum effectiveness."
  • Support Emotional Well-Being
  • Ease Stress and Anxiety
  • Promote Positive Mood
  • Encourage Relaxation
I saw a commercial on television that sparked my interest. Lumiday. I am always sketchy when it comes to anything that they advertise on t.v. but it got my attention. I asked around to people I knew and got some thoughts on it but no one I knew had actually tried it. I did a little bit of research and concluded it's basically like a multi-vitamin in a sense. (look at the ingredients)

I talked with my husband and we decided that I would try it. We went to GNC and got a 30 day supply. Today is day one. I will keep a record of how I feel each day and try to update you each week to see how I feel and to see if it really helps me. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Why I Want to Make the Change

I've thought many many times of how I want my weight to be in the 200's or less. I have also thought about what I'd do to get there, but I never actually follow through. Or I get started, but quit because I find life's excuses. I give up because I'm lazy. The the real reason. It's easy. Being lazy is easy. That's the reason I've got myself into the mess I'm in now!

I want to be able to wear a Large/XL shirt comfortably. I wear a 3X now.  I want to be able to fit into a pair of 16/18 jeans and still have breathing room. With that kind of weight loss, my boobs would be smaller and I'd be happy about that too! I want to wear those cute dresses that everyone else wears. The ones that only come in a S, M, L, XL. I have knee issues. I'm sure that my weight contributes. I also can't breathe like I feel like I should. I know that if I could lose weight I could breathe better and not feel like I'm being closed in.

I don't want to be the girl that goes shopping with her friends and is just there for chit chat. I want to be able to try those clothes on too! I want to get in line to ride a roller coaster and not have the fear of not fitting in the harness!

I'm holding myself back back from enjoying life. My husband made the comment over Memorial Day weekend that I was not the woman he married. whew. that sinks. to. the. bottom. Has being fat taken over how care free and fun I used to be? I've been overweight almost my whole life, but never did I think that it effected anyone else but myself. It has. obviously.

I want to change for my husband, my child, and my family. They are everything to me.
Being healthier means that I can live longer and do more with them.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Hummus Sucks

Whoever told me that hummus was good, you suck! It's nasty! I tried telling myself that I would like it and that it was really tasty. NO. It's not anything like what I expected it to be. What did I expect? I'm not sure. Something that resembled Ranch dressing instead? Ha! I'm kidding. Kind of. Who doesn't like to dip their veggies in Ranch? It's sinful but good! Whoever took chickpeas and mashed them up, sucks. Hummus Sucks!


Monday, May 27, 2013

Monthly Update #2

Things aren't really going as planned. I'm a slack ass. I've not been taking in water like I should be. I'm not excersing near as much as I need to be. I've made all kinds of excuses but none are legit. No excuses are needed. I just need to get off my tail and get moving.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Monthly Update 1

So last week I did okay. I drank so much water I felt like I was watering down my blood stream! I would get up and walk and feel all jiggly in my belly because it was full of water! I walked two days last week and if it had not rained, I think I might have done more!  I'm not going to weigh myself this week. But I have my starting weight. 326. The biggest I've ever been. I'm making this a life change. I can't live this way. My body hates me for it and I hate myself for getting this way. It's time to change.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Get this *ahem* party started

So I've got a bit of a back story for you. It all started last year. I was making friends through blogger and decided to do a 5k with them. It was the first time we would meet! I told myself I had a LOT of work to do to be prepared in the slightest for this 5k. It was the Color Run after all!

I had eight months to get myself somewhat in a state of confidence to be able to complete a real 5k. My ass has not ever been to a gym, never had a membership to a gym, or even been on a treadmill other than playing on one as a kid.

I committed and I also had a friend on board so that we could do this together! We decided that we'd try to work out 4 days a week and be motivators for each other. It worked out great! We met up after work and we would walk a mile or two and then go inside for weight training. It was awesome! sometimes we would only meet up twice a week.

I had battled temptations and I was winning! I lost right at 18 pounds! I was so proud of myself! November came around and I went to Charlotte, NC to meet four girls that I had met online. These girls were incredible! They never once judged me and they welcomed me with open arms! I had such a great time walking and running while getting colored power thrown at us. It was the most fun I had in a long time! And to think I barely knew these girls!

So fast forward five months later and I've gained almost all of that weight I lost back. (all but 3lbs) Insert angry face here. It's no ones fault but my own. I've let myself down once again. I lost my mojo. I have not been this unhappy with my body in a long time. If I don't do something soon, it could be bad.

So, today, I've set goals. Goals that are easy enough to be obtainable but enough of a challenge to not be boring. I'm giving myself  90 days to lose at least 20 pounds. So here we go- Let's get this party started!